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- 8/17/2011
產品項目 |
銓祐企業(CYE,CHYUAN YOW ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD.,VAT-Number:16464693) 是美國證券交易委員會(SEC)新頒布的「衝突礦物來源揭露規定」(Rule 13p-1 of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934)的規範對象。身為全球科技產業供應鏈的成員,我們體認到採購「非衝突(conflict-free)」的原物料,並藉此提倡人道精神的社會道德準則,是銓祐企業應善盡的企業社會責任。 銓祐企業除要求所有供應商揭露其合作的熔煉廠與礦場名單外,更要求供應商對於我 們產品中所使用的金、鉭、錫及鎢,均須遵守銓祐企業政策,向經過特定產業組織(如 RMI)所認可為非衝突的熔煉廠與礦場進行採購。 CYE(CHYUAN YOW ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD.,VAT-Number:16464693) is subject to the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure rule on conflict minerals released under Rule 13p-1 of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. As a recognized global member in the hi-tech supply chain, we acknowledge our corporate social responsibility to strive to procure only conflict- free minerals, based upon humanitarian and ethical social principles to protect the dignity of all persons. CYE have engaged our suppliers to disclose and timely update information on smelters and mines . It is our policy requirement that our suppliers source the tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold used in our products from facilities or smelters that have received a “conflict-free” designation by a recognized industry group such as the RMI. |